Oolong Fenghuang Dan Сong medium roast 2023

High-mountain Dan Сong from the spring harvest of 2023. The cultivar is Da Wu Ye, "big dark leaf," from the Guangdong province.

Flavor profile: dried apples, blackcurrant, honey, peach, rowanberry, mint, cranberry, caramel, spices, and floral notes. The tea evolves from one steeping to the next, never dull. In the aftertaste, there’s freshness, berry sweetness, and moderate viscosity. The infusion is rich, oily. The tea leaves are robust and brew quickly. Use no more than 5 grams per liter, water at 90−95°C, and pour quickly to avoid bitterness. Thermos is not recommended.

In its effect, it resembles a good young sheng — it balances and relaxes. If you drink too much, it will energize you seriously, although for some, it may sink them deeper into their chair. It’s a unique and invigorating experience, but moderation and balance are crucial. Distinctive and invigorating.